"The summer night is like a perfection of thought." — Wallace Stevens
This summer in Vancouver has been nothing short of sweltering. I did not anticipate the heat when I moved here from Chicago a few years ago. I expected the extended seasonal rain that gives the city its famous nickname of "Raincouver," but even long-time residents have been taken aback by the heat. My house isn't built for it and has no air conditioning. So, I'm often awake in the heat and the quiet of the night, just thinking.
In one of those late-night thinking sessions a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start writing a Note from the Editor for you, our lovely visitors. When we moved to a digital-only publication many years ago we lost this element of our journal and I thought I'd bring it back as a way to kick off this new season of SKR.
I am so pleased to be sharing work in July and August by poets who are accomplished and insightful. The quality of the poetry in this season continues in the strong tradition of St. Katherine Review. Many thanks to Sheila Murray-Nellis, our incredible poetry editor, who never fails to find beautiful work.
In July, we open the summer with "Metaphor" by our friend, D.A. Gray, who has graced our pages in the past, as well as work from a new friend, DS Maolalai whose poem, "The Fruit Market" appears in mid-July. In addition, July benefits from contributions from Angela Patton with her incredible poem, "Why I Would Like to be a River" and Margaret Mackinnon's "Pharaoh's Daughter." August continues to heat up with work from poets such as Heather Kaufmann, Martin Willetts, Jr., Bonnie Naradzay, and Rick Kuenning. The poetry in August is stunning- whether it's Keunning's contemplative "Dark Early Morning" or Naradzay's "Bede’s Sparrow" inspired by the poet's experiences leading poetry workshops with the homeless in Washington, DC. Our vision for this next incarnation of St. Katherine Review is to more fully engage our readers and help to encourage our writers as well. Our comment threads are always open and we look forward to your constructive, respectful, and fruitful conversation. In addition, we'll be rolling out an ongoing series of articles about the craft of writing as well as opening a channel to share our favourite books. If you have a book to recommend to your fellow readers, please drop us a note! You can also subscribe to our updates so that you'll never miss new posts and articles. Our great hope is that we can work together to build a flourishing and nourishing literary community. As always, we're grateful for your support!
Angela Doll Editor-in-Chief
Please note that we have a new address! You can still reach us by typing in StKathReview.org but it will be forwarded to our new url: StKatherineReview.com.